function DetectUnityWebPlayerActiveX on error resume next dim tControl, res, ua, re, matches, major res = 0 set tControl = CreateObject("UnityWebPlayer.UnityWebPlayer.1") if IsObject(tControl) then if tControl.GetPluginVersion() = "2.5.0f5" then ' 2.5.0f5 on Vista and later has an auto-update issue ' on Internet Explorer. Detect Vista (6.0 or later) ' and in that case treat it as not installed ua = Navigator.UserAgent set re = new RegExp re.Pattern = "Windows NT (\d+)\." set matches = re.Execute(ua) if matches.Count = 1 then major = CInt(matches(0).SubMatches(0)) if major < 6 then res = 1 end if end if else res = 1 end if end if DetectUnityWebPlayerActiveX = res end function